Rachael Keish is teaching the 7-hour California Stormwater Management course being offered by HalfMoon Education on April 20, 2022 and April 21, 2022.

You’ll be able to:

Identify how to comply with NPDES and the California State Water Resources Control Board regulations.

Explore the consequences of storm events and learn how to use stormwater models to predict runoff and routing.

Understand how to choose stormwater best management practices, including use of natural areas, riparian buffers, vegetated swales, rain gardens, cisterns and porous pavement.

Analyze the contents of stormwater pollution prevention plans, including required elements, and plans for inspection, maintenance, and record.

Implement monitoring plans and review real-world case studies.

In the course we will speak about the following topics:

Understanding Stormwater Permit Requirements and Procedures in California
Understanding and Applying the Science of Stormwater
Choosing Appropriate Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Developing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Developing Plans for Inspection, Monitoring, Maintenance and Record Keeping
Sign up now to get your continuing educational credits early this year.