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San Francisco Bay Area (Milpitas) QSP/D Training – Keish Env

Keish Environmental is offering the State Mandated QSP/D Training here in the San Francisco Bay Area/South Bay! It is raining, is your jobsite compliant?

March 26 - 28, 2019

The classes will be held from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day located at:

Milpitas City Hall- Committee Room

455 East Calaveras Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035

The course includes:

  • Construction General Permit (CGP) & Training Notes
  • A continental breakfast served on-site each day

A brief  QSP/D course synopsis:

At the Qualified Stormwater Practitioner (QSP) 2-day class, attendees will learn about the construction regulatory environment, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, and Clean Water Act requirements that the Construction General Permit for Stormwater (CGP) stems from.  They will engage in interactive modules that address erosion processes and sediment control theory and practice – with real-word examples highlighting jobsites with issues and what causes them.  Next, the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) implementation module focuses on how SWPPPS give QSPs the tools to do something about these common project issues.  The final modules of the 2-day QSP course focus on SWPPP monitoring and reporting, with hands on examples of how to observe and document compliance at a construction site as required by the CGP.

The 3rd day of the course is for Qualified Stormwater Developers (QSDs), and goes into more detail and depth on what’s required to prepare a SWPPP, the minimum elements, mandatory Best Management Practices (BMPs), calculation of project Risk Level/Type and how it affects the selected BMPs. After highlighting key elements needed for successful project planning, the course includes interactive activities to put to use the materials learned throughout the course.  Finally, attendees will learn what’s necessary for project stabilization and closeout under the CGP at the conclusion of a job.

This course is being taught by Rachael Keish, P.E., a CASQA qualified Trainer of Record with 19 years experience in construction management, this course will highlight difficult stormwater BMP implementation issues - and practical solutions!


  • QSD training (All three days, Tuesday through Thursday) $525.00
  • QSP training (Tuesday and Wednesday) $350.00
  • 1-day QSD training (Thursday only; for those who are "already" QSP's) $175.00