Lower Crystal Sprigs Reservoir Improvements

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Lower Crystal Springs Reservoir Improvements, Unincorporated San Mateo County, CA

The Lower Crystal Springs Reservoir System (Upper and Lower Crystal Springs Reservoirs) serve as the primary water storage facility for emergency back-up and supplementary water supply for the entire San Francisco Peninsula. The $17.4 million reservoir project involves widening the spillway, raising the parapet wall, and replacing the stilling basin with a new, larger facility to comply with the California Department of Water Resources – Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) mandate for hydraulic upgrades to the dam’s spill capacity. The project will bring the dam into compliance and restore the maximum storage capacity of the reservoir. Rachael served as the project’s Qualified Storm Water Pollution Control Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD), responsible for amending the Kiewit Infrastructure SWPPP to fulfill all requirements contained in the State Water Resources Control Board statewide Construction General Permit for storm water. She also procured the dewatering permit for discharges to an environmentally sensitive creek habitat.