SFPUC - Harry Tracey Water Treatment Plant

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant Long Term Improvements, San Bruno, CA

The Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant serves as the emergency back-up and supplementary water supply system for the entire San Francisco Peninsula. This project, with a construction value of $245 million, improves delivery reliability and provides seismic upgrades at this regional water treatment plant to achieve a sustained capacity of 140 million gallons per day (mgd) for at least 60 days, and to provide 140 mgd within 24 hours following a seismic event on the San Andreas Fault. Work includes the addition of filters, upgrades to various systems, and seismic retrofits of critical process units. Rachael served as the project’s Qualified Storm Water Pollution Control Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD), responsible for writing the SWPPP to fulfill all requirements contained in the State Water Resources Control Board statewide Construction General Permit for storm water.