Ghirardelli – SCVWD – Watersheds Asset Rehabilitation Project (WARP): Coyote Creek Rodent Damage Repair

Coyote Creek in the Santa Clara Valley Water District had repair on over 2,000 linear feet of creek side levee to remediate the severe damage caused by burrowing animals, such as ground squirrels. This $2 million project not only repaired the water district’s levee, but also protects the levees from future rodent damage, ensures the reliability of the levees, and reduces potential flood risks. The project rebuilt the levee to its as-built conditions and installed metal mesh to prevent further rodent damage. The project was implemented in two phases; phase 1 addressed the land side of the levee and phase 2 addressed the creek side of the levee.

Key Project Highlights

  • KeishEnv ensured that this project, with high risk receiving waters, was in compliance with the CGP, the County’s Storm Water Management Plan, and the site-specific Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements.
  • KeishEnv staff inspected on a bi-weekly frequency to perform oversight of BMPs identified in the BMP Action Plan on behalf of the owner and SCVWD.
  • KeishEnv staff worked closely with both agencies to determine the best way to service equipment in a sensitive floodplain with limited access.


KeishEnv coordinated with all entities to ensure all expected roles and responsibilities were met and that project progress was clearly understood.