San Felipe Creek Restoration Project, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency

San Felipe Creek, located within Joseph D. Grant County Park of San Jose, was restored to improve streams, floodplains, riparian corridors, and wetlands to benefit native plants and animals. Road and trail improvements were also made to restore historical geomorphology and return water to the present landscape. This project mitigates approximately 7.28 acres and 9,021 linear feet of streams.

Key Project Highlights

This design-build restoration project consisted of the following elements:

  • Restore approximately 1 mile of stream.
  • Protect, expand, and enhance habitat for plants and wildlife species and establish a functional community that promotes native biodiversity.
  • Capture and retain water to sustain hydrologic resources, reestablish connectivity of tributaries and creeks, and reduce impacts to groundwater basin.
  • Establish functional riparian and scrub communities at a variety of succession stages.
  • Restore and enhance existing on-site seasonal wetlands by installing exclusion fencing (for pigs and cattle) and conducting non-native invasive plant species control.
  • Provide upland habitat and refugia for species including California red-legged frog and California tiger salamander.
  • Keish Environmental provided construction management oversight and inspected the site to ensure the design-build project was constructed on time and in accordance with plan drawings.
  • Keish Environmental Staff lead progress meetings, circulated weekly meeting minutes, reviewed Red-Lines, and provided inspection reports.


Keish worked closely with the Design team, Contractors, SCVWD, Regional Water Board, County Parks, and the Habitat Agency to ensure that all parties were in compliance with the site’s permits, and all expectations were clear and met. We established the project’s photo monitoring points for a 10-year monitoring period.