San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Crystal Springs/San Andreas (CSSA) Transmission System Improvements

This $99.7 million water transmission system upgrade centers on the pipeline between the Crystal Springs Reservoirs (Upper and Lower) and San Andreas Lake, as well as the Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant. The project will improve seismic and delivery reliability of this transmission system. Construction consisted of seismic and functional upgrades to the transmission pipeline, outlet structures, and pump station facilities.

Key Project Features

  • KeishEnv served as the project’s Qualified Storm Water Pollution Control Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD).
  • Keish was responsible for amending the SWPPP to fulfill all requirements contained in the State Water Resources Control Board statewide Construction General Permit for storm water.


The Keish Team developed the SWPPP and completed the project to fulfill all the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board and protect the creek habitat.