VTA SVBX Emergency Upper Bridge Trestle Removal (Lower Silver Creek)

The purpose of the work is to remove a bridge trestle over Lower Silver Creek near 350 Wooster Ave. that burned on Wednesday August 17, 2016.  The remaining existing bridge is seriously compromised and is a public safety and water quality hazard.

KeishEnv obtained emergency permits and created the stream diversion plan for removing the burned bridge trestle, including a staging exhibit for the upland staging areas using SCVWD-owned access roads and right-of-way. In order to minimize disturbance in the creek, we omitted equipment access within the stream channel.  We removed the bridge by lifting out sections with a crane, so that the SCVWD ramp down into the channel would only be used by foot traffic.

Key Project Highlights

  • Place temporary sediment controls as needed at the top of the bank.
  • Field fit the coffer dams and gravity flow creek diversion pipe(s) as shown on the attached exhibit. The diversion would minimally impede the flow of water in the stream. It is possible that the diversion may catch or collect debris carried by the water temporarily, but that would be released upon removal of the diversion.
  • Place a protective cover (visqueen or plywood type platform) over the dewatered channel within the work area to catch any burned bridge debris and expedite cleanup.
  • Cut the piers flush with the concrete channel lining and the earthen channel bottom to remove the structure.
  • Lift out the bridge trestle in sections using a crane.
  • Remove & dispose of all demo debris & protective cover, patch the SCVWD concrete channel lining, and remove the stream diversion.
  • Place erosion controls for any disturbed areas.


The work began on Monday, August 22, 2016, and was successfully completed by September 19, 2016.