VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension Program - Phase I and Phase II

The $9.3-billion BART Silicon Valley Extension Phase I includes the 10-mile Berryessa Extension (SVBX) that completed construction in 2018 and opened for revenue service in 2020. The alignment consists of an at-grade, cut and cover, tunnel, and aerial guideway from Fremont to San Jose, with $953 million in construction costs. Phase II of the BART extension (BSVII) includes the 6-mile extension from the Berryessa BART Station through downtown San Jose to the Santa Clara Caltrain Station in a single-bore tunnel.

Key Project Features

  • Phase I
    • KeishEnv staff performed oversight of all environmental and storm water compliance for the project on behalf of the owner, including review and approval of construction submittals such as the Environmental Compliance Plan, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Dust and Emissions Control Plan, Creek Diversion and Restoration Plan, and Noise and Vibration Control Plans
    • Staff also reviewed and responded to RFIs and supported claims.
    • Field staff inspected the work and documented conformance with the plans and with NEPA/CEQA requirements.
    • The KeishEnv team coordinated between VTA, design-build contractor teams, and regulatory agencies to address unexpected field issues and keep the project on schedule and on budget.
    • KeishEnv staff submitted the project for the prestigious Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Envision certification and received the highest possible Platinum level award.
  • Phase II
    • KeishEnv staff will assist with the CEQA/NEPA responses to comments, identifying mitigation measures to ensure contractor compliance during construction. Staff will also integrate the CEQA/NEPA requirements in contracts and plans and specifications for field implementation, including creating an Environmental Commitment Record (ECR) to track all mitigation measures and design requirements and best management practices identified in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement / Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIS/SEIR).


  • Phase I
    • Created a seamless BART connection from the Warm Springs/South Fremont station (Green and Orange service lines) to two newly built stations in Santa Clara County – the Milpitas Transit Station and the Berryessa/North San José Transit Station.
    • Provided bus and shuttle centers for interconnective public transit options to sites throughout the served cities and the county.
    • Created pedestrian and bike connections and storage, as well as added an additional 1,500 parking spaces for riders who are required to commute to the stations.
  • Phase II
    • Will create four new stations serving San Jose and Santa Clara, attaching the Berryessa/North San Jose station to stations at 28th Street, Downtown San Jose (where East and West Santa Clara Street meet), Diridon (between Montgomery and Cahill Streets, on the south side of Santa Clara Street), and terminating at the Santa Clara Station (adjacent to the Santa Clara Caltrain Station and the future Gateway Crossings development, where there are connections to Caltrain, Capitol Corridor, Altamont Corridor Express, and several VTA bus lines).
    • Will lower carbon emissions into the air and will free up traffic congestion, as it estimates an additional 54,600 passengers each weekday will ride the BART.
    • Allows the entire San Francisco Bay Area to finally be transit connected.
    • Connects historically underserved communities in the county to main transit hubs.
    • Will represent the largest single public infrastructure project ever constructed in Santa Clara County.